Saturday, July 26, 2014

Skorne Weekend=))

#skull_studio #warmachine #Skorne #JourneymanLeague

Well, weekend is coming so for this week tere is one more acquaintance. For today - oriental military lads with awesome elephants - Skorne (player Zul)

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Circle Orboros Battlegroup

#skull_studio #warmachine #CircleOrboros #JourneymanLeague 

As was announced before, we continue to introduce our journeyman league armies. For today there are some forest lads, wild, aggresive and always hungry - Circle Orboros (player Aztec)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

We start Journeyman Warleague!

#skull_studio #warmachine #Cryx #JourneymanLeague 

Hi everyone,

this week we decided to pait a little bit for ourself and play Warmachine / Hordes. 

We came to this case thoroughly. Everyoe chose a faction, bought starters, prepared a game table and launched League Journeyman. The first week of the League was devoted exclusively to painting new miniatures, so now we are absolutely ready to play.

In the next five days will try to keep you informed and share the results of work.

For now there are some undead lads - Cryx Battlegroup!!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Arachnarok Spider

Hi everyone,

For today it's time for huge lads. This monster inhabit the most sinister forests of the Old World. It's a god, mount, pet and warmachine for goblin tribes. Make way for Arachnarok Spider!

This is the comisson job of game level painting.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Skull Cannon of Khorne

Hello everybody!
We pleased to show you our new commision work — Skull Cannon of Khorne, painted for tabletop.
Have a nice week and more blood for the blood god!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Space Wolves Drednaught

Hi everyone,
The next minature we would like to show you is the heavy oldy from the Fang. Fure tempered and nordic featured oldman packed in steel warmachine to smash the enemies of humanity.

This is the comisson job of game level painting.

Waiting your comments...

And the the next step of WIP Militarum Tempestus

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Simple guys that saving whole humanity=)))

Hi everyone!

For today there are such cute and rather rare lads.  
Hello, Ghazghkull, we are going to fire!fire!fire! you=)))

And another one... in progress now... the new generation of Emperor's Hammer - we think you know these guys - rather shooty ones=)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Yellow power armor in 20 min. Step by step.

Hi, dear followers
Recovered after cool and absolutely amazing "IgroKon week-end" we are ready to go ahead with our paintig jobs. :)

|Today we are going to introduce you rather small and absolutely "soulless" step-by-step tutorial about painting yellow power armor. It is very easy and rather quick.

We use double basecoat (black and partialy white) to simplify base layers applying.

Apply Flash Ink (V) with airbrush

Apply base layer Averland Sunset (GW) with airbrush

Higlight with Golden Yellow (GW) with airbrush

Final highlight with Flash Gitz Yellow (GW) with airbrush

Shade lightly with Flash Ink (V)

Smooth gradients with Yellow Ink (V)

 Apply gloss varnish ... dont be greedy=)

Wash the model with Ratling Flash Shade (GW)

After washing wet a cotton swap with solvent (airbrush thiner for example) and neatly clean the edges, removing the rest of the wash.

So, the armor is ready, additionaly the model was applied with matt varnish for the future work. 

All these steps were made in 20 minutes (with drying and making pictures=). This is truly useful when you are going to paint large bright army in short time.